It Takes a Village
Photo above
- At piano/vocal reading of
For Whom the Bell Tolls
, an opera in progress:
From left:
Maestro Erik Ochsner
Tenor Jesús Daniel Hernández
Soprano Kelly Curtin
, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Composer Brian Wilbur Grundstrom, Librettist David Dorsen,
Mezzo Suzanne S. Chadwick
Baritone Jose Sacín
. Photo by LeClair image.
BWG with Maestro Jeffrey Dokken at Rome Sympony concert with Indra Thomas
Vicente Avella
Shawn K. Clement
John David Earnest
Human Factor
Dave Mallen (Innovation Station Music)
Joe Trapanese
2 Minutes Later
Arc of Light: A Portrait of Anna Campbell Bliss
John Strawbridge, Writer/Director
Tohubohu Productions
Andy Wager, Wide Angle Productions
Gary Wheeler
Music Performance
Brooklyn Academy of Music
Ensemble à la Carte
David Latulippe
The New Jersey Gay Men's Chorus
Mark Pinkus
Sunderman Woodwind Quintet
Music Service
Adventures in Music with Christopher M. Wright
American Composer's Forum
D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities
Jeffrey James Arts Consulting
League of American Orchestras
Parma Recordings
North/South Recordings
Tessitura Sofware
Vienna Symphonic Library
Gustavo Ahualli
Eliza Bonet
Kelly Curtin
Suzanne S. Chadwick
Santiago Alfonzo Meza
Derrick Miller
Jose Sacín
Lori Şen
Indra A. Thomas
Opera America
Malte Roesner
Sean Pflueger
Christina Scheppelmann
Washington National Opera
Antony Zwerdling
Maestra Nancia D'Alimonte
Maestra Roberta Carpenter
Maestro Jeffrey Dokken
Holyoke Civic Symphony
Maestro David Kidwell
NIH Philharmonia
Maestro Erik Ochsner
Oconomowoc Chamber Orchestra
Orquestra sinfônica do Teatro Nacional Claudio Santoro (Brazil)
La Orquesta Sinfónica de Guayaquil (Ecuador)
Queer Urban Orchestra
Rome Symphony Orchestra
SONOS Chamber Orchestra
Symphony Orchestra of Northern Virginia
Trinity Chamber Orchestra
For Whom the Bell Tolls
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